Pre-treatment Coated Aluminium

Pre-treatment Coated Aluminium Foil

Chalco Aluminum Coat’s pre-treatment coated aluminium foil is degreasing and chemical pre-treatment of aluminium foil. This pre-treatment is applied onto a line equipped with the best technology and it’s designed under the custom engineering concepts of Chalco Aluminum Coat technical group. Its main advantages are the total dispose of residual oils on surface from lamination process as well as magnesium, manganese, among others that could be on surface and might cause problems on anchorage of coating.

1.100% free chrominum process.
2.Pre-treatment film based on organic polymer and composed of Zirconium and Molybdenum.
3.Bring super properties for the anchorage of coating according to ASTM-3359 directive.
4.Multiply corrosion resistance of aluminium.
5.Resistant improvement to MEK according to ECCA T11 directive.
6.Folading and coating improvement for substrate according to ECCA T7 directive.
7.Adherence improvement for lacquers on Erichsen test, according to EN ISO1520 directive.
8.Resistance improvement to salt spray essay, according to ISO 9227:2006 directive.

1.Suitable for use in electrical and electronic equipment as RoHS, 2002/95/EC.
2.Ideal for products that pretend to be respectful to the environment.
3.Complies with REACH(SVHC)
4.Safe for use in contact with foodstuff, according to FDA regulations( Food and Drugs Administration) directives.

1.Heat exchanges for industrial cooling equipment and air-conditioning systems for buildings.
2.Product for construction applications where high corrosion resistance to outdoor environment is required.
3.Product for aeronautical, shipping and land transport industry applications.
4.Product for smoke outlets.
5.Product for pet food.
6.Suitable for containers for food packaging, in particular for those where a process of sterilization, free-dry or pasteurization is required.
7.Suitable for containers whose content is chemically aggressive like compote, pates, salads, juice, citrus, among others.
8.Suitable for pharmacy products, in particular for those where a process of sterilization, free-dry or pasteurization is required.

Product description:
1.Aluminium foil thickness between 30 and 500 microns thick with a maximum width of 1500mm.
2.Temper: Hard and semi-hard temper, with residual oil on surface from lamination process: O, H12, H18, H22, H24, H26.
3.Alloy: 8011, 3003, 3105, customer can spedify its needs in order to choose the best thickness, alloy and the temper of aluminium.


Property Method Chalco Aluminum Coat
Top layer   Coloured lacquer, polyester, PE
Aluminium   8011/8079/1200/1100/1060 O
Bottom layer   Coloured lacquer, polyester, PE
Standard colours   Wide range of colours RAL
Bending ECCA 7(0≤T BEND ≤1) OK
Curing Resistance to MEK > 50 d.f.
Heat Resistance 240 ℃/2 min. OK
Corrosion Resistance( Neutral Salt Spray) ASTM B117 (NaCI 5%/35℃ >500h(According to specification >1000h)
U.V. Resistance ASTM G154(500 h.,; UV -313 4h.60℃/Condensation 4h.40℃) OK